15 Mar

King Street in Manchester is recognised by Mary Portas for its success in cultivating flourishing business environments

King Street in Manchester has been mentioned in Mary Portas‘ latest newsletter.

We’re proud to be a part of the overarching placemaking for King Street, alongside DTZ Investors, Lyons Thompsons Letts and Orme Property, ensuring the positioning of King Street remains relevant, established and aligned with the dynamic nature of the market.

We couldn’t agree more with Portas, who states the two key factors to success for a post-Covid High Street are cultivating an environment for business to flourish and ensuring innovation is at the heart of physical retail.

Giving freedom allows businesses to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing consumer wants and needs, and ultimately become less impacted by the decline of the UK High Street. “For example, King Street in Manchester repurposed vacant sites for short term pop ups, community events and festivals by relaxing outdoor vending permissions to allow food markets to thrive”, said by Portas.

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