08 Apr

Why utilising ‘micro-moments’ will help place marketers to get noticed in a nano-second

In our ever-impatient world of ‘I want it all and I want it now’, consumers are more impulsive than ever. This can mean consumers are less likely to stick with their favourite brand – choosing convenience over loyalty – though this does mean they are prepared to keep their mind open to particularly eye-catching brands, deals or offers. Keep in mind people spend less than two seconds consuming content on their mobile – so you really don’t have long to stand out.

Generally, shoppers are also less focused and easily distracted. The age of digitalisation means that a world of knowledge is at our fingertips, with the average Brit checking their phone every 12 minutes. This means product research, bargain hunting and online shopping are easier than ever before.

These small actions are otherwise known as micro-moments – and Google estimates consumers experience around 150 of them each day, from the researching phase right through to purchasing. A micro-moment is when a consumer instinctively reaches for their smartphone (or other knowledge source) to get the information they desire instantly. To tap into this, marketers must trigger this instinct – and be there on the other end to provide the information required.

Research shows 73% of purchases that result from mobile searches take place in a physical store, possibly because 82% smartphone users have a cheeky research on their phones while in store. Though footfall on the high street is declining, capitalising on micro moments could just be the way forward.

Marketers can make use of micro-moments by adjusting their messaging

Consumers experience content overload from marketers, from social media advertisements through to posters and billboards on the daily commute. To tap into micro-moments, marketers must realise they only have a few vital seconds to capture a consumer’s attention and raise awareness of their brand, product or service. Each brand must be able to identify where their consumers are researching and making decisions (from social media, paid ads or web searches etc) – and ensure they are right there waiting to deliver the right information.

There are a few key ways to help aid your micro-moments marketing plan:

  • Keep messages clear, concise and precise
  • Provide content that delivers genuine value
  • Use eye-catching, vibrant design
  • Know your audience and use platforms they will engage with most frequently
  • Make sure information is available, accessible, accurate and easy to digest
  • When searching for info, the user experience should be seamless and answers easy to find

Ask yourself ‘why’ consumers should get to know you

As a business owner or marketer, you know why the brand, product or service you are promoting is useful to your target audience. However, it’s a much trickier job to persuade your consumers that’s the case.

Providing knowledge, information or monetary value (an offer or giveaway) will catch the consumer’s eye and encourage engagement with your brand. A simple tweet with a link to a blog might get a few readers – but far better to post a link to a data capture form that will provide access to a whitepaper or introductory offer. This ‘gated content’ approach will show consumers you are serious about offering something of value. There is a caveat, however – only make a very small percentage of content inaccessible. This provides ‘exclusive’ content for loyal consumers, while ensuring those still in the research phase can access all the information they need in a quick and digestible way.

Similarly, a ‘fun’ and engaging approach will offer consumers something: entertainment.

How can place marketers make the most of micro-moments?

Google has identified four main categories of micro-moments: buy something, do something, know something or go somewhere. All extremely relevant for places – whether that’s a shopping centre or business district.

When it comes to hunting for something to do or somewhere to go, consumers are looking for a sneak-peek of an experience in order to build anticipation. People don’t like surprises – and searches such as reviews, business hours, waiting times and finding a location are popular ways consumers can build confidence about a place. Thrifty consumers are also keen to research the latest deals and cheapest places before deciding where to go. Therefore it’s important to ensure key information about any place is visible and easy to find.

According to Google, there has been a 150% growth in travel-related searches for “tonight” and “today”, with a general growth in searches related to places “open now”. So there really is no excuse for marketers to delay implementing a strategy or tidying up key information on their website or social media site.

Making your place marketing message stand out

Place marketers, like all marketers, want to raise awareness and ultimately footfall/sales. Promoting messages such as “buy this house” or “visit our high street” just won’t cut it. Instead, aspirational content such as a video tour of the local area or an invitation to an exclusive shopper event will entice people to know more.

Certainly when it comes to impulse trips or purchases, appeal to the inner “I want it now” mentality by demonstrating quickly and simply why that consumer simply must visit your place… now. Whether that’s a limited-time-only offer, event or new launch – by providing an air of exclusivity, you can make your place become the place to go.

There is an undoubted opportunity for place marketers to be in the right place at the right time; by ensuring all information is relevant, important and accessible with a flair of creativity to capture the consumer’s attention.

At DS.Emotion, we provide place activation services to ensure clients have a consistent, current offering to help increase footfall. Sharing this information on social media and via blogs and influencers also helps to satisfy consumers who are searching for a place to go or a more memorable shopping experience. For residential clients, a fully SEO optimised website containing key information, and a recognisable brand, helps searching users find the information they are looking for and also entices them to find out more.

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