14 Mar

Place Activation

Here at DS.Emotion we are keen to talk to you about new ways to create community engagement for the residents of business parks, office schemes and residential developments.

As placemakers, we have identified an opportunity to develop these relationships by creating; Place Activation – a physical and social engagement programme. As a result of this, we have developed some great interactions with key tenants, or ‘residents’, as we like to call them.

Place Activation has a positive ripple effect for the people who work or live at these properties, as well as landlord and business owners. To name but a few of these improvements we sight; increased employee productivity and concentration, heightened job satisfaction, interaction and networking opportunities, improved corporate image for businesses involved as well as increased staff moral and team building.


The results that we have seen to date have been extremely positive from all aspects, so we felt it was really important to share this insight. Take a look at our proposal and short film so that you can learn more about what we do.

Don’t get left behind – get in touch with hello@dsemotion.com to discuss your next project or destination, that might require Place Activation.


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